Please visit the following blogs to view all the beautiful Christmas decor!
Cami @ Creating Myself
Terri @ Lakewood Manor
Megan @ Megan's Cookin
Kathy @ Mimi's Garden
Kathleen Ellis
Tam @ Gypsy Corner
Cinnamon Girl
Ellen B
Magnolia Memories
Red Sox Mom
These pics are of my dining room and my kitchen. Please ignore the mess in my kitchen, I made several things tonight to freeze for Christmas.
Enjoy all the pics!
Hi Brett,
Sorry to cause any problem but when you click on my name it sends folks to my last Trim the Tree not not current Trim the tree.
Could you change the link with my name to just my regular blog address
Thanks mucho! I appreciate all the hard work to link up all this stuff!
I'll post another comment about your Trim the Tree goodies Soon :0)
What fun! I did my kitchen, too! I loved your photos... what messy kitchen??
Love all the snowmen. Love the blue! Love the candy tree. You have a lot of fun stuff to decorate with. I also like the burgundy color on some of your wood...
One lovely photo after another. Thank you so much for the sparkling tour. You made my heart smile.
Gosh, Brett, you have such a beautiful home and you have decorated for Christmas with gusto!
Merry Christmas...Kathy
Hi Brett, I came over to link up, but I guess I should have let you know instead, ahead of time that I wanted to participate! Oh well, I'll just check out everyone else's post and enjoy. Your decorations are beautiful and so festive! I love the green color of your kitchen walls! Very pretty! ~Rhonda :)
Wow! So much to see. I love your tree's. Very nice. Not to mention all of the wrapping you have finished. Fantastic!
Thank you for hosting this fun event! It's been such an inspiration to me.
Merry Christmas!
Hi please add me to Trim the Tree Thursday. www.thecrownedcasa.blogspot.com. thanks mishelle
I love your Christmas!!
Your little "sugar plum" tree is so cute.
Everything is beautiful.
My oh my, I love all your decorations. I love decorations that make me smile. Yours do.
That faux mantel is awesome Brett! And the candy tree in your kitchen? ADORABLE!
I am planning a snowman tablescape for the grands & got all excited when I saw the snowman in the bake pan. Thinking...I want to make that dessert for the kids. Then I enlarged it & saw that it was a candle. It's very cute but I'm guessing it doesn't taste good! LOL
I'll be back later to see all the links.
Is it too late to join? If not my link is http://southernseven.blogspot.com/2008/12/our-christmas-tree.html. I love looking at all the Christmas decorations.
Thanks for adding me Brett! I will go back and add a link over to your blog. I am running so far behind this year, this was my first time to participate! Thanks for putting this event together! ~Rhonda :)
Hi Brett! I love the color of your Kitchen! That green is gorgeous! The snowmen look great in your home too! : ) Gotta love Target!
The mantel is a stunner! Everything is so pretty!
Wow! You're tree is so beautiful! You're entire house looks wonderful - all festive! I love your little candy tree in the kitchen and your snowmen! Great job!
Oops...I thought I was signed up for the entire month of December to be included on your Trim the Tree list. :( It's okay. I'm still participating! http://evangelines.blogspot.com.
Have a great week!
It looks so pretty. Love it!!!
Your tree & home is lovely!
would love to see you & your friend enter their trees in a Friendly Chritmas tree competition!
For details visit: http://whiteirisdesigns.blogspot.com/
Enjoyed my visit here!
I love the little white tree! It's so sweet!
Hey Brett....I do have a post up but I know I didn't email you. Sorry. If you want to add me that would be great, but if you are busy, PLEASE don't worry about it!
Have a great week.
great photos. I love the white candy tree. Everything is so pretty and festive. Your inspiring. :)
Brett- Please add me! I posted late!!!
Brett, I bought my tree already flocked at Hobby Lobby one year. I'm not sure if the flocking in a can is going to be as durable as the flocking on my tree but why don't you use a small one from a thrift store as a guinea pig & see how it goes?
Hey Brett, I went back to look at your pics again.... I LOVE that snowman buffet server! Way cute!
Hi Brett,
Just over from Charlotte's Weblog and I enjoyed visiting your blog. I have that same Gingerbread house! Everything is so festive! *smile*
I love the candy tree! It looks wonderful! Your house is so festive!
Brett, Oh, how pretty! I came over from Susan's & don't think I've been by here before. Hello from AL & another Southern girl! I think it's so great that you are young & are so into decorating for Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year too. Come over & see me sometime.
What beautiful pictures I love the colors and details.
Wonderful posting. I love that gumdrop tree in the kitchen. Your entire house is so festive. laurie
Beautiful tree! I love the snowman/candy tree. Snowmen are just the sweetest thing, aren't they??! You've been busy!
I'm not showing up on your listing for trim-the-tree. Could you add me? Thanks a bunch!
Brett....I love the kitchen. Your house looks so warm and inviting...And the snowman bowls are really great!
I joined in , late today but still did Trim a Tree Thursday if you can add me, thanks.
Now have to look at your fun posts and others.
Hi there...Everything is so pretty and festive...great job! ;-) Bo
is this really your real house?? you put me to shame, Brett.
I love your gold framed mirror with the red wreath...beautiful!
Merry Christmas!
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